Layton Permanent Allotments Association

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It’s March, the days are getting longer and, believe it or not, it is warmer than a few months ago.

Since the on site dyke has been cleaned, the damaged trees have been removed to shed more light and the reeds have been cut back, the wildlife has sprung into life.

The frogs are spawning. Such activity!  Do go down to the allotment and visit the dyke area.

Take care though. Children must not be in that area alone as it can be dangerous.

Frogs on site


Pictures taken at the dyke area at the allotment.

Click on the ‘movie’ icon to see a video of the frogs in the dyke.

The pictures and video were taken early March 2013.

Did you know?…

The common frog can breathe through its skin. This enables it to hibernate for several months beneath piles of mud and decaying leaves underwater

In the wild, the common frog can live for up to 8 years.

They are usually 7.5 to 8cm long, with an average weight of 22.7 grams. Females are usually slightly larger than males.

Common frogs do not feed at all throughout the breeding season, but when they are active they will feed on any moving invertebrates of a suitable size, such as insects, snails, slugs and worms, which they catch with their long, sticky tongues. Adult feed entirely on land, whereas younger frogs will also feed in the water. Tadpoles are herbivorous and feed on algae but become carnivores when they mature into adult frogs.

Although common frogs are active both day and night, they tend to be more active at night. During the winter they hibernate in compost heaps, under stones and logs, or underwater beneath piles of mud and decaying leaves.

Males emit a low purring croak during the breeding season, but this can only be heard up to 50 metres away because common frogs do not have any vocal sacs.